Back Coves are selling and grass is growing

As you might imagine I get asked by lots of people, “how are you guys doing in this economy?”

Perhaps not the best blog topic but what the heck I’ll write about it and let the readers decide if it’s interesting or not.

Well, the plain and simple truth is that it’s tough but we Mainiacs are used to tough. A lot of our dealers were well stocked when the financial meltdown beganand they have had to hold boats in inventory for longer than they would like. But I am really pleased to say that a lot of stock boats have sold to new owners over the last few months and things are looking quite bright as we enter the month of May. Our annualized boat sales are down from 2008 but nowhere near the drops that have been seen by the “white plastic boat guys” as we call them around here. 

We’re here for the long run. Boaters will always enjoy boating and that is not going to change. Sure boating will take a hit just like every other outdoor activity that has a cost associated with it. We are doing fine thank you very much and will continue to work our way through the downturn. After all, the snow is gone now and the grass is growing again.

In Maine that’s cause for optimism !

Back Coves are selling and grass is growing
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