Top 10 Plants for Boaters


At first plants and boating don’t seem to go together, but when you stop and think, it’s a perfect environment for plants!  Lots of sunlight, a breeze, and plenty of water!  Alright, maybe not salt water, but you get the idea.  Plants are enjoyable and easy to keep on a boat. Aesthetically they are a beautiful addition to the decor in the cabin or on the helm deck.  We use a lot of American cherry at Back Cove Yachts, and lush green plants look beautiful against the rich wood finish.  Here is a list of plants that are hearty and easy to keep on board your boat (click the name for a picture):

Christmas cactus:  A very hardy cactus with a pink flower needs good sun and little water.

Orchids: Orchids are bit on the delicate side, but beautiful and colorful, orchids need to have plenty of light and moderate water.

Aloe: Aloe is a very hardy plant and will grow well in sun, needs little water and it’s great to break off a piece and rub on a burn or bug bite.  Also can be used in cooking!

English Ivy: Works well as a hanging plant in the cabin.  Does not need to much light, moderate water.  This is a fast growing plant; it should be trimmed back if it gets too big.

Bamboo: Bamboo is fun and it grows fast, however it needs to be very moist to thrive and requires moderate light.  This plant is often known as lucky bamboo and should be kept in odd numbers of stocks, for no other reason than to avoid bad luck!

African violet:  This is a very hardy plant with beautiful purple flowers.  It is nearly impossible to kill.  Put it next to an east facing window and water moderately.  The violets like the humidity and can often have a wonderful aroma that will make your boat smell delightful.

Spider Plant: These plants are fun and crazy, they often do well hanging and will have shoots with babies hanging off the ends.  They need a little sunlight and water once a week.

Venus Fly Trap: “FEED ME!!!” This little plant is fun and wild! It is a carnivorous and also very easy to care for.  It needs moderate light and moderate water.  Have a pesky fly problem?  Let this little guy take care of it for you.  If you are void of bugs it will need bits of uncooked meat now and again to keep it happy.

Heart leafed philodendron: If you think you have the black thumb and are hopeless at keeping plants, this one is for you.  Easy to take care of and will look beautiful wherever you put it on the boat.

Mint: There are many varieties of this herb available.  Mint will need plenty of light and moist soil.  Mint is a fast grower, and can be used in cooking, chewed for fresh breath, or steeped to make tea.  It has a great aroma and it will make your boat smell fresh and inviting.

Top 10 Plants for Boaters
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