Pieces of the Puzzle

As the assembly of the Back Cove 37 goes on, our production and engineering associates at the yard in Rockland are really showing their strengths. This week the two main deck parts (the deck and the wheelhouse) were mated and the fit is perfect. Again this may seem unimportantto the lay-person getting their head's around boatbuilding, but these parts, created from molds which were created from plugs and from drawings before that, have to fit together. They cannot be "adjusted or re-sized". An error here would mean months of setbacks. But no mistakes for this crew, everything is going according to plan.


To ensure that the deck part remains stable and does not twist until it is affixed to the hull, the back of the house remains in place. It will be cut away to allow for the installation of the folding doors, once everything is fitted and square.

Decking takes place next week so stay tuned.

Pieces of the Puzzle
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