Stern Thrusters and Avoiding being the Laughing Stock

Leaving the marina and returning to the dock are the two most anxious moments in a boaters day. After all if you mess up it is a little embarrassing. I for one will admit to one very embarrassing departure on board my Back Cove 29. Luckily for me there were only a couple of dock boys who witnessed my stupidity and a kind word to them ensured that the story would go no further. IN truth I bet they are still laughing about it in the dock boats office at the marina.

My error was to leave the dock with the powercord still attached. OK there I said it OK? I was truly surprised at how that tether controlled my desire to turn port and go ahead until I finally realized what was happening.

Not that a stern thruster has anything at all to do with power cords but one sure way to look like a pro both coming and going is to use a stern thruster installed. I was not a huge fan until I tried one after all is it really manly to have people know that you have one? One day I was discussing this with a very experienced professional captain and his advice was “use whatever tools you have available to make all of your maneuvers as smooth and as safe as you can”.  I can tell you that now I impress even the real;ly experienced guys with by comings and goings, in any wind and tide conditions.


In this image you can see the thruster body and on either side a downward facing cowl which prevents to thruster from sucking air down and into the tube and increases efficiency. One you try one you won’t want to be without it.

Stern Thrusters and Avoiding being the Laughing Stock
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